TypeScript Cheat Sheet

Joe Castronovo
3 min readJun 21, 2021


‘tsc filename.ts -w’ to run compiler

(argument: type) to assign argument values

// explicit types

variableName: type

arrayName: type[] = []

**union type for arrays**

mixedArray: (type1|type2)[] = []

variableName: type1|type2


objName: object

objName: {

key: type,

key: type,


**dynamic types(any)**

varName: any = whatever

arrayName: any[] = []

objName: {key: any, key2: any, key3: any}

**ts config for workflow**

run ‘tsc — init’

in tsconfig:

change rootDir to ts dir

change outDir to js dir

run ‘tsc -w’ to compile all files

add quotes “include”: [“folderName”] in tsconfig to override compiler to only root and out inputs.


can declare a function or:

let funcName: Function

// optional params:

funcName = (param?: type )

// default params:

funcName = (param: type = defaultValue)

// return value

funcName = (param: type): returnType => {



**type alias**

type AliasName = type1 | type2

type ObjWithAlias = {key1: type, key2: AliasName}

**function signature**

// example 1

let greet: (a: string, b: string) => void;

greet = (name: string, greeting: string) => {

console.log(`${name} says ${greeting}`)


// example 2

let calc: (a: number, b: number, c: string) => number

calc = (num1: number, num2: number, action: string) => {

if (action === ‘add’){

return num1 + num2

} else {

return num1 — num2



// example 3

let logDetails: (obj: {name: string, age: number }) => void

logDetails = (person: {name: string, age: number }) => {

console.log(`${person.name} is {person.age} years old`)


**the dom and type casting**

const anchor = document.querySelector(‘a’)!; // add exlaimation mark if you know value wont return null

— now ts knows anchor is HTMLAnchorElement

— or::

const anchor = document.querySelector(‘a’) as HTMLAnchorElement // to declare type (type casting)

something.addEventListenter(‘action’, (e: Event’) => {

e.preventDefault() etc


use: valueAsNumber // to log as a number type


class className {

key: type

constructor(k: type) {

this.key = k;


funcName() {

return `${this.k} does something`



const newClassObj = new className(whatever)

let newTypeOfWhatever: className[] = [] //arrays are the type

**public, private, and read only**

all properties are public by default


public key: type

public — change and read value outside and inside of the class

private — only read and change inside class

readonly — only read inside and outside of class but not change


in tsconfig: change module to “es2015” and target to “es6”

in index.html, change script to type=”module”

export the module

import js, not ts


use interface objName {

to decalre a variable type


use implements for class interface


// T is defining the type, extends declares required field

const addUID = <T extends {name: string}>(obj: T) => {

let uid = Math.floor(Math.random() \* 100);

return {…obj, uid};


let docOne = addUID({name: ‘joey’, age: 37})


// with interfaces

interface Resource<T> {

uid: number

resourceName: string

data: T


const docThree: Resource<object> = {

uid: 1,

resourceName: ‘person’,

data: {name: ‘joey’}


const docFour: Resource<string[]> = { /// array of strings

uid: 2,

resourceName: ‘shopping list’,

data: {‘bread’, ‘milk’, ‘tp’}



enum ResourceType { BOOK, AUTHOR, FILM, DIRECTOR, PERSON} // sets the resource type based on index

const docThree: Resource<object> = {

uid: 1,

resourceType: ResourceType.BOOK, //// resourceType 0, for index

data: {name: ‘joey’}



let tup: [string, number, boolean] = [‘joey’, 37, true]


