“Why did you want to become a Software Engineer?”
This was my first assignment in my journey at Flatiron School. To write a blog post on why I wanted to become a Software Engineer. The question seemed so trivial, so easy to answer that I wanted to bang this Blog out on day 1. We had two weeks to submit the assignment, but I quickly realized that my reasons for taking this leap in my life were changing by the Day; by the hour even. I am glad I waited, because this Blog would have looked much different two weeks ago, and wouldn’t reflect my feelings after completing the “first mile” here at Flatiron.
It was the same rhetoric. The same generic responses in which I hear almost all too commonly from Software Engineers. I’ve always wanted to learn to code, I love computers, I love video games, I love problem solving, now is the perfect time because of the pandemic, for myself, my family, and that woman up there ^^ . After even just the very first day at Flatiron, this all started to sound like gibberish in my own head. While all completely valid reasons, I now realize that there is just so much more.
My reason for wanting to become a Software Engineer is well, quite simply, Today. My reason these past two weeks has been these past two weeks, and tomorrow I know my reason will be Tomorrow. Every hour of every day has been a wonderful journey. I have met some amazing people so far during the first mile. Such an eclectic group of Great minds, inspirational people, motivational, smart, funny, goofy, passionate, and hard-working. The energy is hard to not feed off of. I’ve gotten a sense of what teamwork can really accomplish, especially in a professional setting. We have solved some difficult problems so far, sometimes laughing (or crying) as we do so. To say that I’m excited to see what the future holds would be an understatement. I look forward to our journey as we delve deep into the world of tech, and I cant wait to experience more and more as the days pass. I’m having the time of my life!